The Chapter

Dear Lord, as I jump the broom on all life’s channels,

I pray you fine tune me to be an effective channel to your viewers,
I quote, imitate and pray to be an incarnation of King Solomon,
Who by humility and faith on being awarded the gift of choice asked for wisdom,
Wisdom and Knowledge to govern your people...

I too pray to walk next to such foot prints, and do seek and pray that
You be my strength and engine to steer in all directions of life guided by your map,
I pray for wisdom, I pray for knowledge and pray to forever look to you,
For I am only an instrument Lord ready to be used by you.

The chapter...
I pray that you author it, nurture it, strengthen it for your word will Limb it,
I am humbled to be gifted Lord, for I know that edification of your people will stem from gift.
I pray that through edges, curves, storms and thunders that we will be protected by you,
This is ours, a chapter...the beginning!

As we open it, let your words be scribbled and indexed in our lives,
Imprinted for a lifetime as we set foot on an enchantment journey with you.
PS: Knowing that nothing is impossible in Christ.


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