
No success story is worth being told without mentioning those who contributed towards ones achievements. It is without doubt the Lord Jesus Christ is at the top of my list. The Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. The First, the Last and the One that is still to come. He has been and is the air that I breathe, the source of every joint in my body, my every drop of blood. My everything!
Through Him I have been blessed with parents – a family. This one is for my mom and dad. My ever strict parents, there is no one that is different from the other they are both the same, maybe my dad a bit tougher, but my mom’s sharpness has always led us to be busted for every wrong we have done.

To my mother:

A woman I have become because of your teachings. I am what I am because of the image and standards you portrayed growing up. The way I dress is an incarnation of your personality, I am as simple as you are, elegant and a woman of class. You taught me independence without uttering it with your mouth, but through your actions I was able to grasp a wide range of things. You have shown me how one should take initiative of themselves, taught me a computer at a tender age, I worked alongside you growing up, in your business, learnt a great deal of things such as: computer literacy skills, file management, taking in calls, typing letters, being a cashier, all the way down to household chores, the list is endless. I learned all that I had to, and it shows off today. I am grateful for having you in my life; I wouldn’t trade you for the world! I love you!

To my father:

I see more of you in me every day. The drive, passion, my character, and humility. Our morning chats and the wisdom that you constantly pour out to us, does not go wasted, hence we are where we are and doing what we are doing – which is succeeding. It is because of the phenomenon role you played as a father. Never would I trade you for anything. We did not understand the decisions you took for us when we were young, but today we know. You have not failed us. Throughout your circumstances growing up, you were able to push yourself so far because you knew what you wanted. You are the ‘Grass that grew from Concrete’ though trampled on by life you still grew, flourished so much so that you made a name for yourself. A legacy. A man respected in every street you walk through. That has also rubbed off us and I must say that you have given birth to a bunch of bulldozers! I am a lawyer/advocate in the making because of you. We will forever uphold our clan. We have a legacy of our own in our family. United we shall stand! I love you!

All of your achievements wouldn’t have been possible had you not been in each other’s lives. My parents, my philosophers and the authors of my life. I quote Khaya Mthethwa “You will see the goodness of God whilst you are still alive”! Holistic Serendipity is indeed the story of my life! And without such a strong support system, it wouldn’t be what it is today.


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