A Sermon Walking

by Joyce Meyer - posted January 08, 2013

Then Jesus answered and said to them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner. —John 5:19 (NKJV)

I once read a story in a church newsletter that I want to share with you.

In 1949, Time magazine called him “one of the most extraordinary men of modern times.” He won the Nobel Peace Prize. One afternoon, reporters and city officials gathered at a Chicago railroad station to greet him. As passengers disembarked the train, among them was this giant of a man—six-foot-four with a bushy mustache and thick, unruly hair. Cameras flashed. City officials approached him with hands outstretched.

The man greeted them politely and then, looking over their heads, asked to be excused for a moment. He quickly walked through the crowd until he reached the side of an elderly woman who was struggling with two large suitcases. He picked up the bags with a smile and escorted the woman to a bus. After helping her aboard, he wished her a safe journey. As he returned to the greeting party he apologized: “Sorry to have kept you waiting.”

The man was Dr. Albert Schweitzer, the famous missionary doctor who spent his life helping the poor in Africa. In response to Schweitzer’s action, one member of the reception committee said, “That’s the first time I ever saw a sermon walking.”  

You and I have many opportunities each week to be “sermons walking.” All we have to do is look to Jesus as our example. According to today’s scripture, Jesus only did what He saw the Father doing. If we will follow Jesus’ example, we can also be like sermons walking.           
Love Others Today: Take every chance you get to be a sermon walking today.


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