Things that work for me.

I owe Oxy an advert and my followers an advice on what has worked for my face, and could probably be a solution for all those who have had the same encounter as mine. I had terrible acne, itched so bad and at times a sore face was my daily bread. I used almost everything, from various facial products, to sunlight bar soap, raw eggs, honey and the works, but instead my face went from bad to worse. Until I met this old chap, Oxy - face wash and acne cream, which is applied daily. The acne cream is applied in the morning and at night, the instructions are that it should be left for two hours and thereafter rinsed, and one can apply any face cream that is good for their skin. It took some time and persistence. My face is a living testament of its effectiveness. I have a few spots now, even they are fading. I really feel good. Thanks to Oxy. You can get it at any of these shops Pick 'n Pay, Clicks Stores, Spar, Shoprite or Checkers. Try it out. You would be surprised! Serendipity!


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