Downtown Boxing High Performance Centre!

Zonke's song Viva the Legend, basically sums up what I would say about my dad. I could write a book about him and his achievements. My dad opened Downtown Boxing Gym early last year. When I asked him the reasons behind opening a Boxing Gym, his answer was that Eastern Cape has always been the home of boxing, and that most people are not well informed about boxing, that they do not respect the art because they have not been educated enough about the sport to know that boxing should not be perceived as a dangerous sport. His peculiar technique and skill that he has in mastering the art, which is derived from his love for the sport, also contributed much in him establishing such a facility. His aim was to also enable the youth from disadvantaged backgrounds to partake in the sport, as he felt that they needed more than just a trainer, they needed a guide, who will not only equip them with the skills of fighting, but a trainer who will nourish them in their social issues and future plans.

JV Madikane, a Karate instructor from time immemorial and a boxing fanatic, who has also made his name in Boxing years back, is a growing brand. The first year he opened Downtown Boxing Gym, he had already accommodated overseas 6times World Boxing Champion, in 4 different weight classes, the Amazing Layla MacCarter and her trainer Mr Lui Tapia, who made use of Downtown Boxing Gym in preparation of the match between her and the former SA Champion Noni, which Layla took the title.

Downtown Boxing Gym continues to be on the spot light, as various figures from all around the world have been to Downtown. The Buffalo City Municipality Mayor, and former Boxing Champions have been bemused by the facility and the technique used by Mr JV Madikane in training the boxers, who already has a long list of winners and champions around his belt. Sinovuyo Tayi, Siphosethu Mvula, Xolani Radi who fought the same day and all won. Siphosethu Mvula and Luyanda Mvula who also played the same day, and both took the title home. Mfundo Goyana who won at a fight which was held at the University of Fort Hare. He is also a  former South African  champion, rated number one in the South African ratings and has been recently chosen in the newly introduced Premier Boxing League (PBL) as one of the 15 best boxers in the whole world to take part in the first tournament, which will be held at the ICC on the 29th of June. Downtown is currently training a new boxer Leighandre Jegels, a brown belt in Karate, who promises to be a worldwide name herself.

The following are the ratings of Downtown Boxing Gym boxers:

  • Themba Shicila rated number 7 in SA ratings
  • Luyanda Mvula is also rated as number7
  • Siphosethu Mvula as number 9
  • Dumisani Tose number 6
  • Sinovuyo Tayi number10 in the country
  • Xolani Radi rated number 10 in Eastern Cape

Downtown has been chosen as a gym partner of the newly introduced Premier Boxing League. 

Downtown Boxing Gym - The Home of Champions!

Layla and the Mayor at Downtown!

Layla and Downtown Boxers @ Downtown Gym!

Layla and Leighandre (the future Champ)


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